A Tarot Spell for Imposter Syndrome


Break free of Imposter Syndrome with this unique Tarot Spell

I see you, Sensitive Dreamer

Imposter syndrome is a huge set back to the big dreams you desire to manifest. Dealing with imposter syndrome is paralyzing and this cycle of self-sabotage wants to keep you from moving forward and wants you to stay small.

Trust me, I am an expert at self-sabotage and I've been working through a lot of imposter syndrome as I'm about to open the doors to my new and improved Certified Metaphysical Practitioner Program!

So I created a spell utilizing the energy of tarot and crystals to conquer this cycle and shift out of paralysis into inspired action.

If this sounds like something you need, keep reading!

The Tarot Card for Imposter Syndrome

The major arcana card I am drawn to while working through imposter syndrome is the chariot.

The Chariot is an action card because the only way to break through imposter syndrome is to show up and do the damn thing anyway. You are choosing to take the reins of your mind and life and directing your path with intention. You may not know how you're going to do it but you're going to try. Imposter syndrome wants to paralyze you and keep you small so work with the Chariot card to find your confidence and inner strength to keep moving forward despite the fear.

The Crystal for Imposter Syndrome

Theeee Crystal I love to work with to break the imposter syndrome cycle is Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is known as the Queen's Stone. This Stone helps you step into your power and authority and reclaim your unique magic gifts that are yours alone.

This Crystal not only activates the throat chakra for your fullest creative expression, but also connects you to your third-eye the doorway to your intuition, and the flecks of pyrite connect to your solar plexus to bring in more empowerment, confidence, courage and abundance your way.

The Tarot Spell for Imposter Syndrome

In this tarot spell we're going to gain insights from The Chariot and utilize a tarot spread to bring more awareness and an insight from what place imposter syndrome is coming from.

And then we're going to utilize the energy of lapis lazuli to create a grid around this spread so you can overcome and achieve what imposter syndrome and self-sabotage won't let you do. Are you ready? Let's do this!

Set aside some time to do this tarot spread and then create your crystal grid on top of the tarot spread. This should only take about 20 to 30 minutes.

Set up your altar or space how you like it with candles and other crystals and set the mood with music that is soothing to you.

Use your favorite tarot deck and sift through the cards until you find your Chariot card. Set the Chariot card aside. Next you will perform this tarot spread, focusing on the self-sabotaging habits you want to overcome or the cycle of imposter syndrome that you are currently in with your own situation, and then reflect on the cards and what they are telling you.

Place the Chariot card on top of the first card in the spread. You are using the energy of the Chariot to propel you forward and get you out of the cycle so you can just do the damn thing! Then we are going to create a crystal grid on top of this spread.

Place Lapis Lazuli on top of the Chariot card as the center stone of your grid and from here you're going to place four Quartz points around around Lapis Lazuli two of the crystals will be on the other two cards of the spread. Make sure the Quartz points are facing away from The Chariot card.

Next you will be placing Selenite sticks or wands between the Quartz points creating a square shape. The Selenite create a protective boundary around your grid and around the intentions you are setting to break the imposter syndrome cycle. If you don't have Selenite or enough Selenite sticks, you can place four more crystals you are drawn to or just use the Quartz crystals alone.

You will activate the crystal grid counterclockwise (to banish energy) at first, following the arrows on the image below using a crystal wand or your index finger to guide the energy and connect the grid. Always bring the energy back to the center stone, Lapis Lazuli. Say this spell while are you are connecting the grid and say it as many times as you feel called to, but go around the grid at least five times.

“I release sabotage and fear, only courage and confidence may enter here"

With the points facing outward is releasing the sabotage energies and fears from the grid and from your space and energy.

Leave this grid up for a day or two and then we are going to reactivate it going clockwise drawing in the energy you want to draw in.

Simply turn the crystal points around facing towards the Chariot and center Stone, activate the grid clockwise this time following the arrows in the image below while saying this, going around at least eight times:

"It is time for me to be seen for me, with my Chariot of success I am free!"

Keep this crystal grid activated and up for as long as you need it and you can always go back and reactivate it saying the same sentences or any other affirmations that help you feel courageous and confident!

If you like working with crystals and tarot and learning to harness these different tools in ritual and unique ways, you are going to love the Certified Metaphysical Practitioner program! The doors open on Wednesday November 22nd! There is going to be a huge sale for Black Friday and I can't wait to share more, so stay tuned!


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I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!


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