The Sorceress Full Moon


Happy Sorceress Moon!

New Name, Same Moon: Full Moon’s of 2023 series

Happy Full Moon, gorgeous!

As I've birthed my Priestess path I've received new downloads and lunar codes for each of the different Full Moon's, including different names connected to Divine Feminine archetypes. I'm so excited to share them with you over the next year. I'm also including simple rituals to embody these archetypes within you as each Full Moon illuminates the sky with her beauty and presence.

Each full moon has many different names so it's important to find a name that resonates with you 😊

The Sorceress is emerging through this Lunar Eclipse portal. Can you feel her? Are you ready for her?

The magnetic and potent Scorpio Full Moon in the embodied Taurus season of love and sensuality entices the Sorceress out in all her luminous beauty, magick, and power.

The Sorceress is in each of us. She enchants all those around her and she knows she is powerful and magnetic and that manifestation is her birthright.

She works with the subtle energies of the subconscious, the universe, and the elements and she brings them into an embodied practice; knowing her body, her intuition, her vessel in this lifetime holds powerful wisdom and is key to manifesting her desires in the world.

She alchemizes the magical and spiritual with the mundane knowing they are all one in the same. She chooses to believe her desires are divinely destined and placed in her soul for a reason.

The Sorceress is willing to do the dirty work, pierce the veil, dig into shadow work, and the mundane work to understand all facets of herself and those around her. She dives in completely, she can't help it, it's just who she is. She holds the vision of the vast potential and limitless possibilities that are within you and your DNA.

If there is a longing in your soul and if there is that little voice within you that keeps telling you you are destined for more and keeps pushing you to your edges, that is your Sorceress and she is telling you that it's time to embody her. Allow her to take the reins and guide your life and see what magick and alchemy unfolds from it.


Put on your Sorceress-tinted glasses (what color are they?) and look for the magick in everyday things. Throughout your day you can intentionally merge magick with the mundane by asking yourself, “How can I make this more magickal?” “Where is the magick in this?” “How can I feel enchanted in this moment?” 

Work with your Sorceress energy by actually practicing some magick; cast a circle this Lunar Eclipse, do something to manifest your desires whether it's shifting your mindset, candle magick, EFT tapping, sigil spell work – do something that lights your Sorceress up. Take a proactive stance and co-create with the universe! Let her guide you.

Create an altar for your Sorceress to come out and play and to honor her. Take a nature walk and find a beautiful stick to make  a magick wand. Add crystals and ribbons and decorate it as your Sorceress sees fit. Pull out your tarot cards or your favorite divinatory tool in practice oracular arts with her.

Dive into more Moon Magick with your Sorceress energy in my 4 week self-study course Lunar Living!


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Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

Don’t Avoid a Void of Course Moon!


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