What is Lunar Living?


You may have heard me using the term, Lunar Living lately, but what exactly does it mean?

I am Moondaughter, so obviously it is related to the Moon (as stated in the name), but I wanted to explain it here in a little more depth.

For me, Lunar Living is one of my deepest passions and one of my soul purposes here this lifetime. If there is one thing I want women to take away from my teachings or offerings it is how to Lunar Live.

The most basic description of Lunar Living is literally living in tune with Moon, but there are deeper layers to it still.


We are a microcosm of the universe.

Our bodies cycle naturally with the Moon, she pulls on the oceans of our cells like she does the Earth. She keeps the Earth on her axis in their ongoing dance of push and pull, thus keeps the seasons of the Earth, the Great Wheel of the Year moving and flowing around us and within us.

Everything around us and within us happens in cycles.

But the reality is, we are cyclical beings living in a linear society. We are not meant to live and grow in one straight line for the rest of our lives. It is so limiting! It is so shallow and one dimensional. 


Our society wants us to believe there is only one way to succeed, one way to be happy, one way to live, when in fact it does not take into account the mind, body, or spiritual needs of the unique individual.

We are cyclical creatures who ebb and flow in our own time; we move through different phases of our lives in our own time, and once we honor these sacred rhythms, that's when we can truly begin to feel clarity. We will be able to hear our own intuition and our purpose and gifts will be clear. We will have courage and strength to follow what makes us truly happy and we will define what success is on  our own terms and no one else's.

When you choose to make the shift from linear living to Lunar Living, you can begin to live on your own terms intuitively. You take your power back, you will begin to embody your power and your magick.  Your unique gifts will reveal themselves and you will shine and inspire others to do the same.

This is why I am passionate about Lunar Living. So all women can live in deeper connection with their inner rhythms and their cycles, trust their intuition and see the magick of their unique cycles unfolding all the time.

No matter what season you're in, no matter what moon phase, no matter where you are beginning, there is deep wisdom and magick within you. All you need to do is say yes and embrace your cyclical, lunar nature.

Lunar Living is aligns your energy to the cycles of the Moon, and the Earth, and even the stars.


You are whole in every phase


You are whole in every phase 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑


You can begin lunar living today, truly you can.

It's easier said than done, I know, so I made some resources for you if you are ready to shift from linear living to lunar living

If you just want to dip your toes into what lunar living could actually look like in your life you can take my free class Moon Sync or if you are ready to dive in and begin your transformational cyclical journey you can join my 4 week lunar living course.

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Chakra Cleanse


Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!


The Sorceress Full Moon


The Wild Woman Full Moon