Don’t Avoid a Void of Course Moon!

Today, as I write this, around 10:45 am MT until 2 pm we will experience a Void of Course Moon, or VOC for short.

Void of Course Moon’s, get a bad rap and there's a lot of fear mongering information around them- don't do this, don't do that! Avoid this, avoid that! There's a disconnect around them because people truly avoid a Void of Course Moon. ;)

So I just want to offer a different perspective about VOC, shed some light and help you reconnect with them in a completely different way. Full discloser, I am not an astrologer, but I have been in deep relationship ceremony with the moon for over 13 years now and she has taught me a thing too I wish that I wish to share with you.

What is a Void of Course Moon?

A VOC, is when the Moon is moving out of one sign to the next. There's also no big aspects happening with the Moon - she's literally in this limbo phase of transitioning. As the Moon is traveling from one sign to the next, it can take a few minutes to hours. In this time frame she is Void of Course, or “off course” according to astrology. This is a very powerful phase for the moon and I'll tell you why.

The mainstream beliefs around VOC, just feel so negative. So I am going to share why I think Void of Course Moon’s our special and magickal!

Why is a Void of Course Moon Important?

The Moon is our closest celestial being and ally and she acts like a cosmic filter for all the different signs and reflects them down on the Earth. She is always mirroring a different sign or a different planet or aspect to us. Her power is reflection, so we can see how the signs, planets and aspects reflect within us.

VOC = Pure Lunar Energy

The Void of Course Moon is when she is her own true reflection. This is pure lunar energy we get to experience every two and a half to three days when the moon is leaving one sign and moving into another. She is not reflecting anything else to us! This is when we get to experience her true nature!

The Void of Course Moon is an Invitation

The VOC is an invitation to embrace our true nature as well. This is a potent time for us to really connect with her true lunar energy and it's a reflection for us to come back to our true selves.

What Do I Do When the Moon is VOC?

This is a powerful time for you to just be and receive. This is a great time for rest and integration. This is a great time to practice somatic exercises connecting you to your body and helping regulate your nervous system.

So when the Moon is VOC, give yourself a big full body bear hug, breathe deeply and thank yourself for being you! Thank you for sharing your unique reflection of the universe to the world. Keep reflecting your light, moonbeam!

And guess what?! I created a guide!

Void of Course Moon Mini Course Guide
Sale Price:$11.00 Original Price:$22.00

The Void of Course Moon Mini Course Guide will teach you powerful exercises and rituals you can do to harness the energy and potency of a void of course Moon!

Learn about what they are and the unique perspective I teach, and how to regulate rest and receive and reflect so you can come back to your true authentic self and power.

This is a 28 page guide book with rituals and exercises, crystal grid and body grid templates, as well as a seven-day journal and the 2023 Void of Course Moon dates.

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I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

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