Chakra Cleanse: Day Four

Happy Wednesday and the Fourth day of the Chakra Cleanse!

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This is a holistic mind body Spirit cleanse for each of your seven main energy centers, or the chakras!

Each day we will focus on a new chakra and cleansing practices and activities for your mind body and spirit!

Each day of the week has its own energy and I connected each chakra to each day so it won't be in the normal chakra order, but once the whole series is up you can go in any order you wish! Don't feel you have to do all these activities all at once unless that feels really good to you! Choose one or two intuitively that sound really yummy and go with that! Listen to the intuitive wisdom of your body and lightbody!

On Wednesday, the day of Mercury, the messenger of the Gods and communication, we are focusing on the communication energy center, the Throat Chakra.

The Throat chakra governs our ability to communicate and express ourselves in an authentic way. The main area is the throat but it also governs the ears and the mouth because they all have to do with communication. Our ability to listen is also connected to the throat chakra. Speaking your truth with confidence and ease is what the Throat Chakra supports us in.


Chakra Cleanse: Mind

Throat Chakra Journaling

With a black pen right down any negative thoughts or lies that affect you in your daily life. Write down any and all of them that you are ready to release and no longer listen to or put truth into them. When you have finished this list take that paper and literally rip it up and throw it in the toilet. Flush them down the toilet and let them leave your energy field.

In a journal with a blue pen or marker write down your new truths. What truths are you ready to step into alignment with? What kind of authentic expression are you ready to embody? Write them all down and keep this page available for the Spirit ritual later in this blog!

Power Song: Any song you love to sing!

Chakra Cleanse: Body

Throat Chakra Tea’s & broths

Consuming lots of soothing fluids is healing for the throat chakra.

Start your day with a soothing cup of miso broth and dulce for iodine. Iodine helps thyroid function which is also a part of the throat chakra energy center. Miso and other sea vegetables are great for this area too.

I haven't tried this yet but blue spirulina is supposed to be amazing for you and it has this beautiful brilliant blue color! Plantiful Kiki shows you how to make this yummy rainbow bowl with blue spirulina as the key ingredient! I will definitely be trying this soon! Here is the link to her recipe!

Drink caffeine free soothing teas throughout the day. Peppermint and Lemon balm are refreshing during the day, especially iced! And lavender and chamomile tea is perfect in the evening! 

Try this refreshing spritzer!

  • Sparkling water any flavor you prefer

  • Frozen blueberries

  • And some leaves of mint and basil

  • Add ice and enjoy!

Movement for your Throat Chakra

Sing and use your voice!

Sing songs you love, talk aloud, and create beautiful vibrations with your throat chakra. Pay attention to the words you use and how you use them and when you listen, actively listen and engage. That’s apart of communication too!

Blue Lace Agate Water for your Throat Chakra

Blue Lace Agate is safe to place in your drinking water! If you want to add any other blue crystals do your research and make sure they are safe. My motto is, when in doubt, leave it out! You can always place the crystals around your glass or bottle.

Charge your crystal with your intentions for your Throat Chakra… hold it over your Throat center and imagine filling your Blue Lace Agate with soothing blue light. Place the crystal in your water and let it charge for at least 30 minutes. I like to charge the water overnight and drink it first thing in the morning while I say my Throat chakra affirmations! Keep refilling your water throughout the day and see how Blue Lace Agate water feels for you!

I love using my Vitajuwel Inu Water bottle! I love how I can replace the crystals so easily from the bottom of the glass bottle and I don’t have to worry about using certain crystals since it never technically touches the water! You can use whatever crystals you want! I have a lot of mini crystal chips that work so easily for this bottle, but there is even room for bigger tumbled stones, so you can use your own!

Chakra Cleanse: Spirit


The best way to constantly support your throat chakra other than communicating clearly, is to wear a talisman on your throat. Choose a blue crystal or stone for your talisman and wear it every day you feel you need more throat chakra support.

Blue stones that are great for talismans are: blue topaz, blue lace agate, lapis lazuli, sodalite, turquoise

Once you have chosen your stone it is time to infuse it and consecrate it as a sacred talisman.

What you need:

  • Your journal entry from earlier with all your throat chakra truth and affirmation

  • A blue spell candle

  • An oil perfume you love

  • And a carrier oil of your choice

Dress the blue candle with your perfume oil and place the candle on top of your altar space. Make sure it is in a candle holder and that it can burn safely. Please do not leave this candle alone, you are meant to stay in devotion while the candle is burning.

Now place your necklace around the candle.

Gently anoint the talisman with a little bit of your perfume oil and say something like the following out loud:

“I consecrate this sacred stone as a talisman for my throat chakra. May this talisman serve and support my throat chakra so I may fully express my highest truths and divine messages I receive from Spirit/God/Goddess/Universe, that I may walk my path in alignment with my most authentic soul expression, releasing any doubt perfectionism fear and judgment, for the highest good of all beings in all timelines and so it is."

Light the candle and let it burn all the way down. Stay in ceremony with the candle and your talisman.

Now it's time to infuse your talisman with each of the throat chakra affirmations and truths you wrote in your journal pages. Have your journal accessible so you can read it aloud.

Hover your hands over your talisman around the candle and say your truth out loud. It's important to speak it out loud and let the vibration come out of your throat chakra. Imagine a brilliant blue light moving from your throat chakra through your hands into the talisman as you speak each affirmation. Infusing the talisman with your authentic truth.

Feel free to send Reiki energy into the talisman as well if you know how to, and when you feel like the tallest man has been fully infused with your affirmation or truth move on to the next one. Repeat this whole process for each of your affirmations you wrote down.

Allow this process to take as long as it needs to just make sure you stay present while the candle is burning and while you are in ceremony with your throat chakra.

When the candle has been fully burned down and you have infused your talisman with all your truths that you are ready to align with and embody, you can finally wear your talisman!

As you prepare to put it on, take some of your carrier oil and perfume oil and just massage it into your throat and neck giving this area your loving touch and tenderness. Massage and dissolve any tension you are carrying and allow your throat and neck to relax as you think about the truths you are ready to embody. Allow this moment of somatic touching and presence with your throat to be fully embraced and receive this healing touch.

Put your talisman in on and feel the stone connecting with your throat chakra, feeling the energies harmonizing together to help you step into your truth and alignment more and more.

You are ALIGNED. You are AUTHENTIC. Allow yourself to relax into your FULLEST EXPRESSION!

This concludes the fourth day of the Chakra Cleanse. Are you ready to open your throat chakra to your fullest expression and authenticity? Comment and let me know below!


Begin the Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation Journey

I created a 45 minute meditation and guided journey you can use to explore each of your seven main chakra realms and how you can clear them, reignite them, and activate them within your body and aura.

You also receive my Crystal body grid templates that you can lay in while experiencing the chakra meditation.

I give you grids and templates and show you exactly where to put each of your crystals so you can call in the crystalline structure and support to strengthen your own energetic grid and chakra system.

Welcome to your virtual temple for Moon Magick & Crystal healing

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    Chakra Cleanse: Day Five


    Chakra Cleanse: Day Three