Chakra Cleanse: Day Five

Happy Fifth day of the Chakra Cleanse!

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This is a holistic mind body Spirit cleanse for each of your seven main energy centers, or the chakras!

Each day we will focus on a new chakra and cleansing practices and activities for your mind body and spirit!

Don't feel you have to do all these activities all at once unless that feels really good to you! Choose one or two intuitively that sound really yummy and go with that! Listen to the intuitive wisdom of your body and lightbody!

Today we are focusing on our Crown Chakra.

The Crown chakra is the gateway and connection to the heavenly realms; our Spirit guides and our Higher Self. The Crown keeps us connected to the collective so we can see the whole Web of Life flowing and knowing what our purpose is in the collective and within the ebb and flow.


Chakra Cleanse: Mind

Crown Chakra Mindset

A lot of times we are stuck in the mindset that we are owed certain things or our ego keeps Us playing small.

Connecting into your Crown Chakra mindset helps you connect into your personal service and devotion to yourself, to your gifts, and how you can connect and be of service to your community.

Connect in with your Higher Self and while you are journaling or meditating and ask your Higher Self this question:

How can I be of service today?

Allow your Higher Self to drop in and take the time to actually listen to the message that comes through to you.

Your next step is to not only write it down, but embody it and act upon it. When you act upon your Higher Self’s wisdom, you are showing the Universe that you are devoted to sharing your gifts and serving your community for a greater purpose.

Power Song: Any song you love to sing!

Chakra Cleanse: Body

Eat the Rainbow for your Chakras!

Eat the rainbow today! The crown chakra is the culmination of all the different chakras. It's important to balance all the different chakras so your crown chakra can be fully opened and realized. Below are a few recipes that incorporate lots of beautiful colors and different variety of plants!

Mexican Quinoa Stuffed Peppers

Rainbow Salad

Scalp Massage for your Crown Chakra

This is a simple way to stimulate your Crown Chakra while nourishing your hair and treating yourself to some self-care.

Mix a few drops of rosemary oil and lavender oil with a carrier oil for your hair. Argan and coconut oil are great for your scalp and hair follicles.

Massage the oil into your scalp with the pads of your fingertips not your fingernails, that can be damaging to your scalp. Take in the aroma of the oils and be present with yourself.

Imagine your Crown Chakra opening, feel the heat and energy rising into your Crown Chakra and make sure you say loving affirmations to yourself while you are staying present.

You can leave this oil on your scalp overnight for the most benefits, or at least 30 minutes. When you're ready to rinse the oil out of your hair, step into the shower wash your hair with your shampoo and while the water is pouring over your Crown Chakra imagine your shower becoming this beautiful waterfall of vibrant crystalline energy clearing all your chakras, moving down your body and clearing every single chakra energy center.

This is a good Chakra cleanse and reset that you can do every day or every time you take a shower. You don't have to do the scalp treatment every time but the shower cleanse is a great way to energetically cleanse your chakras and reset them.

Dive deeper into your chakra realms with my Chakra Cleanse guided journey meditation and my chakra body grid templates journal!

Chakra Cleanse Guided Meditation & Crystal Grid Templates
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Begin your Journey

In this 45 minute meditation, you will be guided through your seven main chakra realms to clear, heal, and activate each of your energy centers. Return to wholeness and balance.

Receive the Chakra Cleanse Crystal Body Grid templates

The Chakra Cleanse Crystal grid templates can be used while taking the Chakra Cleanse guided journey!


Clear Quartz Water for your Crown Chakra

Clear Quartz is safe to place in your drinking water! If you want to add any other clear or purple crystals do your research and make sure they are safe. My motto is, when in doubt, leave it out! You can always place the crystals around your glass or bottle.

Charge your crystal with your intentions for your Crown Chakra… hold it over your Crown center and imagine filling your Clear Quartz with pure white light. Place the crystal in your water and let it charge for at least 30 minutes. I like to charge the water overnight and drink it first thing in the morning while I say my Crown chakra affirmations! Keep refilling your water throughout the day and see how Clear Quartz water feels for you!

I love using my Vitajuwel Inu Water bottle! I love how I can replace the crystals so easily from the bottom of the glass bottle and I don’t have to worry about using certain crystals since it never technically touches the water! You can use whatever crystals you want! I have a lot of mini crystal chips that work so easily for this bottle, but there is even room for bigger tumbled stones, so you can use your own!

Chakra Cleanse: Spirit


Crown Chakra Meditation - Chakra Cleanse Moondaughter

We hear the words “Higher Self” a lot, but sometimes it can be hard to understand who or what are Higher Self actually is.

In this simple meditation you will meet them. And learn to embody them.

Stand or sit in a comfortable position make sure you feel grounded and connected to the Earth. Activate your root chakra so your roots anchor into the Earth while your spine elongates and you begin to breathe all your energy up into your crown chakra at the top of your head.

As you keep taking deep breaths staying in the moment and present with your Crown Chakra, imagine beautiful clear shimmering light surrounding your Crown Chakra like a Halo. You see stairs forming at the top of your Crown Chakra expanding up into the heavens.

And you see a form moving down the stairs towards you. This is your Higher Self from a different dimension, from a higher realm where you are pure crystalline energy.

Take a moment to take them in. What do they look like? How are they moving? What is their facial expression or energy towards you?

You notice they are holding a beautiful crown. This is your specific crown for your own energy and crystalline light body. What does it look like? Take it All In.

Your Higher Self has descended down the stairs and you are now facing each other.

You're Higher Self places the crown on your head on your Crown Chakra. Feel the energy of this crown begin to merge with your body and energy. And as they place this crown on your head your Higher Self moves into your body as well.

Your Higher Self is stepping into your energy field, calibrating and tuning your frequencies to match theirs. How does this feel in your body and energy? How does your body want to move? How do you feel in this higher state?

While you're Higher Self is in your body, ask your them any questions you may have. How to act upon a certain situation or how to move differently in your day-to-day life? Ask any questions you feel come up and that are really pressing on your heart.

Allow your Higher Self to answer in the way that they feel you could understand most. Whether it's a certain image you see or an actual voice or just the feelings and sensations in your body.

Tune in and stay connected to your Crown Chakra and your Higher Self.

You can do this meditation anytime you want to feel connected to your Higher Self and wear your crown on your Crown Chakra to reset your energy and feel embodied and empowered.

You are EMBODIED. You are CONNECTED. Your body is tuning into HIGHER FREQUENCIES.

This concludes the fifth day of the Chakra Cleanse. How did the Crown Chakra meditation feel today? Comment and let me know below!

If you've been collecting crystals and you're still not sure what the heck to do with them, my Crystalline Chakra workshop will be a great way make your crystals work for YOU.

Your crystals can help shift and clear your energy, to feel more aligned, balance your Chakras, and feel healthier and more empowered on your path! Let me show you how.

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    I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

    Chakra Cleanse: Day Six


    Chakra Cleanse: Day Four