Welcome to My New Blog!

Here we are on my new blog. A fresh start.

I'm actually okay with this new blank page before me. A blank page represents new possibilities. New stories to write.

As I was reading my old blog posts, they are more like reflections and journal entries and I'm okay with leaving those behind. I am being very intentional with what I transfer over to my new website as I let go of the past and look forward to whatever is ahead.

My new website is my virtual temple space for you to explore and let your intuition guide you.

This blog will have articles to inspire you on your journey learning about the moon mysteries and crystal healing. But you'll also be able to get to know me as I share my own personal updates and musings along the way.

First and foremost, you need to grab my newly revamped lunar living guide. In this 59 page guide book, I share the easiest and most potent ways to work with the moon and come back to your cyclical nature, aka lunar living.

This guide is connected to my main newsletter, so you'll also be receiving my new e-zine that I share in the beginning of every month, or moonth called the Aura! You'll also receive two other newsletters each month called the flow during the waxing moon phase and the Ebb during the waning moon!

For those who are new here, my name is Marissa. I live in New Mexico with my husband, two babies and our three cats. When I'm not running around chasing my toddlers, I love reading, playing with my crystal collection and playing cozy games on my switch.

Welcome to your virtual temple for Moon Magick & Crystal healing

The Free Lunar Living Guide


    Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

    I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!


    2022 Retrograde Dates