Five Best Crystals for Empaths


As an Empath, we feel it all…

And it can be a lot. Overwhelming. Too much sometimes.

Luckily we have tools we can use to support us and keep us regulated. I personally love working with Crystals. All stones and crystals are grounding (always a plus) but they also keep our frequencies clear so we can come back to our own energy and emotions, because sometimes its hard to know what is really ours and what has attached to our aura and energy field!

Below are my 5 top crystals I suggest working with if you are an Empathetic Healer and just feel too overwhelmed sometimes.

Prehnite: The Healer’s Stone

Prehnite nourishes the heart and soothes tempers. This stone restores the sensitive folk–the healers, artists, empaths, anyone who embraces their unique rhythm–she is a great ally to wear. She opens the heart and nourishes the skin. A beautiful gentle stone! Usually she is a very pale light green or may be in the same matrix as Epidote: a very grounding, healing, and protective mineral for the body and heart. This is a great combination for the Empath!

My Smoky Quartz always on my desk!

Smoky Quartz: The Stone of Practicality

I don’t know what I would without my big mama Smoky Quartz on my desk! It is the best grounding stone. This is my go-to stone to keep organized and grounded when I need it most. Not only is this a very grounding stone, but it deeply connects you to your intuition by activating your Earth Star Chakra down within the Earth. Connecting you to your purpose here on Earth. Paired with Clear Quartz, this combo brings deep clarity, centering, and Divine connection.

Along side my rough Rainbow Fluorite!

Fluorite: The Scholar’s Stone

Fluorite feeds your thirst for knowledge, learning, and growth. I find she helps me stay connected to my highest vision and path, which can easily be forgotten in our day-to-day life and routines. She connects our heart and mind together through the heart, third-eye, and crown chakras. Balancing logic with intuition, wisdom, and love. Her ruler is the element of air and helps keep our ideas, creativity, and our minds renewed, refreshed and energized.

Citrine: The Optimism Stone

The world is heavy with tragedy and as empaths, we take on the energy around us and it can be VERY hard to see the blessings right now. Citrine can be an amazing ally to help us see the good and light in all things. It opens the solar plexus and keeps your energy restored. Ignites the fire within us and inspires us to do and be better. This stone does not hold on to any negativity and helps us receive abundance; keeping us open to positive situations and opportunities.

Moss Agate: The Regulation Stone

I recently started working with Moss Agate again and I am so glad I did! This is such a soothing stone for the nervous system. If you feel you are always in survival mode or fight-or-flight mode, Moss Agate can help your system relax and help you feel safe again. SO grounding, cooling, and comforting, to help you release stress and come back into your body with love and compassion.

BONUS: Chakra Set

Every Empath, healer or mystic should have a set of crystals to balance their chakras! Keeping these energy centers nourished can be so beneficial! Choose seven crystals you are drawn to that you can work with for each Chakra and I also recommend including a Selenite Wand to cleanse and recharge.

In my Certified Metaphysical Practitioner Program, you will learn so many tools and practices to help you become the best Healer and mystic you are meant to be! Being empatheic is a superpower! In my course Chakra Goddess, we journey through each Chakra realm so you can embody the archetype and energy of each energy center to become an empowered, magnetic Chakra Goddess! I will be teaching live classes in 2024! Enroll this week to save $300 using the code CMP50OFF at checkout (very bottom of the checkout page)! You can begin your CMP journey today for only $44!


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I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

The Mystic Full Moon


A Tarot Spell for Imposter Syndrome