Do You Need a Certification to Call Yourself a Crystal Healer?

This answer may surprise you!

My answer is no! You don't need a certification to work with Crystals.

If you've been working with your crystals and feel a strong connection with them and you've done your own research and you feel confident holding crystalline space for others and for yourself then by all means you can call yourself a crystal healer or Crystal therapist or Crystal practitioner! You don't need a certification to declare and reclaim this role you feel called to.

However, in my experience, most people Ive spoken to about Crystal Healing is that they don't feel very confident working with crystals. Maybe they're just beginning their healing Journey with them or they are just very overwhelmed with all the information out there on Google. And they don't know where to start when it comes to Crystal healing.

That is when a crystal training program or Crystal certification program can be really beneficial because you'll be getting reliable information and classes from a teacher or mentor who you hopefully trust, and who can hold you accountable to show up and do the work with your crystals. To do the assignments, take the tests, and learn in a Hands-On supportive community with other kindred spirits going through the same Journey and training with you

And as humans we like to be rewarded for our efforts right? Graduating with a crystal graduation ceremony and receiving a certificate in the mail can really boost your confidence and give you the courage to put yourself out there and create your own Crystal offerings to help others on their Journeys. And someone who is paying you for your services they may be more inclined to trust you and feel confident receiving the crystalline support your offering them because they know you've gone through the training and you've put in the work and you know what you're doing!

So do you need a crystal healing certificate to call yourself a crystal healer or Crystal practitioner?

No absolutely not.

But receiving formal training from an accredited school or a mentor who you trust can give you that extra push you need to go after and pursue this crystal healing path that you feel called to.

It could give you the confidence to wield your Crystal power and create crystalline healing ripples in the collective.

So If you feel called to step on the Crystal Healer path check out Healing Gems! My Crystal Healing membership and certification program.

I would be honored for you to join us crystalline Journey!

Our first class starts on Sunday July 31st! And our first group Crystal activation is on August 1st!

I only have one Crystal Healer Kit set left, and eight custom crystal create sets left as well!

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I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

My New Altar Space!


Which Crystal do you need right now?