Crystals for Your Ebb & Waning Energy


We are cyclical creatures; we all ebb.

We all feel the urge to turn inward, rest, and slow down; we all have phases of stillness, slowness, and perceived "no growth".

A lot of times our ebbing can feel uncomfortable because we've been programmed to not embrace it. With the hustle culture we live in, or as I like to call it Linear Living, there is a constant need to always be moving and "doing" something - ebb and rest can feel shameful and just plain not good.

Lunar Living embraces every phase, every season, every chapter. Doesn't that feel better?

Embracing your ebb honors your energy and cyclical nature.

In this blog post I compiled 6 crystals to help you embrace your Ebb or waning energy. These crystal allies can help you align with your natural ebb and learn to work with it rather than resist it.


Six Crystals to Embrace your Waning Energy

💎Black Moonstone - Honoring your shadow and ebb

The stone of the waning/dark moon energy, helps you slow down and enjoy the phase you are in. Even if this feels uncomfortable for you, Black Moonstone invites you to sit with it and learn and grow in your current phase.

💎Shungite - Healing and Re-mineralizing

Shungite is a nourishing and grounding mineral. Place it in your drinking water to purify it and replenish your system with her natural antioxidants, fullerenes. Shungite is connected to the Dark Goddess, the Goddess of death and rebirth, so you can surrender and release and be reborn.

💎Lepidolite - Calm and soothe irritation and anxiety.

Like I said, ebbing can feel uncomfortable because not only are we not programmed to like it but also it can usually coincide with the luteal or PMS phase in the womb cycle. As we turn inward, the external world gets more irritating and we can develop anxiety. Lepidolite soothes discomfort and irritation and helps you sleep better. Washing away anxiety like a bad dream. Sleep with it under your pillow or next to your bed 😴

💎Prehnite -The Healer’s Stone

Known as the Healer’s Stone, Prehnite replenishes the Heart and Soul of the Healer. The one who gives so much of their time, energy, and love to others will feel the benefits of this crystal. It is usually paired with epidote so it deeply grounds and nourishes your heart center when you are ready to call all your energy and parts of you back to yourself.

💎Rhodonite- The Forgiveness Stone

This Stone grounds and humbles your heart and helps you to not sweat the small stuff. It's known as the forgiveness Stone so it can help you forgive yourself for all that you didn't "accomplish" during this cycle or anything that happened that hurt your heart. This stone helps lighten your heart so you can let go and carry on.

💎Hematite - Come back to Gaia

During the Waning phase or the ebbing phase of the Moon cycle all the energy is coming back down to the Earth. So it's a great time to ground your energy. Hematite is mostly made of iron which is also what the core of the Earth is made out of. You can utilize Hematite so you can feel deeply grounded and supported during this phase.


Which crystal calls to you the most?

Are you in your ebbing or waning phase?


Connect with your Lunar Codes and Your Cyclical Nature

There are 4 spots available for the Lunar Codes Crystal Ceremony this week! Book yours for Monday, the day of the Moon or for the New Moon on Tuesday 6/28

Calling in the Codes of Light: The Moon; Moon Magick; Serenity; Shadow & Mystery; the Divine Feminine

*The crystal grid shown is an example. Each grid will be unique to each person

Schedule the day of your Crystal Codes activation ceremony. That night I will activate your crystalline grid and send you Crystal Reiki. Your Crystal codes grid will be activated for 24 hours but you may receive the Reiki energy and activation whenever you feel ready to access the codes. You will be sent a PDF about Crystal Reiki and how to receive the healing energy from your session.

After your Crystal ceremony is complete I will send you a PDF of your Crystal ceremony with any messages from Spirit I receive and the crystals I used within your grid.

Welcome to your virtual temple for Moon Magick & Crystal healing

New Blog Series!


Thank you for joining me on my blog where I share my personal life updates, and my lunar living lifestyle!

I am a mystical teacher, High Priestess, crystal healer, and moon child. Check out my resources to live your most magickal, intuitive life!

Which Crystal do you need right now?


Which Chakra should you work with right now?